Friday, February 20, 2009

Name And Content Change

I'm thinking of expanded my rants to more than just politics. I was thinking ranting about society's ills.

What do you readers think? And please leave a name suggestion as well.

Friday, February 13, 2009

13 Year Old British Boy Becomes Father

As someone who has teenagers who are related to them closely (whether their own offspring, or just siblings), you want them to learn to become responsible. You tell them things and pray to God they listen.

So who was talking to this kid from Britain that became a father recently?

Nobody, I'm guessing. Either that or the kid wasn't listening. Or perhaps the parents thought he was too young to understand. Well, he may not be too young to understand how sex works, but he's obviously too young to raise a kid. He has no clue what the word "financially" means, he doesn't have a job, and yet he beleives he can be a good father.

While money is not everything, you DO need money to feed and care for a baby. My step-mom just today was ranting about how formula for my baby sister costs six dollars at WalMart. I bet that's even WITH her employee discount.

I myself went through a pregnancy scare a few weeks ago. I have no job. My boyfriend has no job. Neither of us as college students are prepared to have kids. Even though I'm twenty-one and he twenty-six. We know we aren't ready for kids. What bothers me is that these teens think they are. They're more than likely under the delusion that it'll be a breeze. Well, they're in for a rude awakening, let me tell you.

My point is, is that it worries me, even if this did happen in Britain and my family is all the way here in the U.S. I have cousins that are teenagers. I have a thirteen year old sister who just started noticing boys her age. I worry sometimes that she might just fall into the trap many young girls make (I also worry she'll start reading Twilight, and believe it or not, these two topics are related).

In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and blame Twilight for all the crop ups of teen pregnancies.

Actually, you know what? Alfie's story reminds me of, well, just about every teenager in my parents' hometown of Dundalk, Maryland. Oh come on, you know it's true...

First Time

So here's the skinny - I will not ever claim to know everything about politics. I don't know everything. But one thing you can be sure of is that I will try my hardest to not to be biased unless I'm stating my opinion on something. I will always research a topic. I'll check out different news outlets, different websites, and so on. Only then will I form an opinion on a matter.

I hardly ever listen to my father, but if there's one thing I've learned from him, it's to not trust one source of news.

And so I welcome you to my first ever political blog. Please be gentle.